我们的历史 & 档案
A group of visionaries from Flint founded Kettering University in 1919 as The School of Automobile Trades. It opened under the direction of Major Albert Sobey with the goal of training technical and management talent for the rapidly growing automobile industry. By 1923 the school had grown to offer a full four-year cooperative education program enrolling more than 600 full-time students, and in recognition of this growth Major Sobey rechristened it the Flint Institute of Technology. Three years later and appreciating the importance of cooperative education, the General Motors Corporation acquired the school, 更名为通用汽车研究所(GMI).
接下来的56年, 通用汽车以GMI的名义运营这所学校, and it became for the company one of its best sources of creative and successful engineering and managerial talent. By 1945 the Institute had added a fifth-year thesis requirement and had evolved into a full degree-granting university with a unique educational model built upon an ongoing and strong commitment to cooperative education.
In 1982, 通用汽车放弃了对这所学校的所有权, 它变成了私人的, 今天的非营利性大学, 但首先是以GMI工程公司的名义 & 管理学院(GMI-EMI). Shortly thereafter the institution began offering Master’s-level graduate programs to both on and off campus students.
1月1日, 1998, GMI-EMI最后一次改名是为了纪念, 查尔斯·凯特林(1876-1958), 一个发明家, 一个实业家, and an early and strong proponent of professional cooperative education. 今天的正规的赌博app, 这所学校延续了这一历史传统, 2019年是它成立100周年. 在那骄傲的100年历史中, 正规的赌博app has become one of the country’s premier STEM institutions and is known around the world for educating great and successful leaders, 企业家, 创新者, 工程师, 科学家们, 商业人士.
反映,激励 & 分享:正规的赌博app的故事
Learn more about the institution’s unique history.
2019年“正规的赌博app/GMI”排名第100位,“作者, historian and consultant Troupe “Tim” Noonan captured the institution’s unique story of perseverance and adaptation in its first century. Noonan has published over 35 books specializing in institutional and family histories and written extensively for 生活, 《正规赌博十大网站》, 《正规赌博十大网站》 以及其他出版物.
The 正规的赌博app 档案 is located at Factory One in Flint. The focus at the archives is to preserve and provide access to the history of 正规的赌博app, 汽车工业和弗林特.
The Special Collections and University 档案 was established in 1974, largely through the vision and research interests of Richard P. Scharchburg and members of the University’s 校友 Foundation. The nexus of the collection was the acquisition of the William C. 杜兰特遗孀的"比利·杜兰特"收藏品, and has grown into a collection in excess of 4,500 linear feet of documents (manuscripts and photographs, 主要), plus several hundred books and other “artifacts.”
The emphasis of the collection documents the early history of the automobile industry—not surprisingly, given the early history of the University itself. 正因为如此, 然而, the collection is also an excellent source for the history of Flint and the history of 正规的赌博app itself; the three are inexorably intertwined.
The collection also documents the administrative, academic and social life of 正规的赌博app. Beginning with the papers of Major Albert Sobey, the archives is the home of the records kept by his successors as well as many other offices of the University. The archives has also collected copies of The Reflector, 学生团体出版的年鉴, 和其他学生组织, as well—and the archives is always looking to add more of those kinds of records.
查尔斯F号. Kettering Collection is one of the largest collections in the archives and has been used by scholars worldwide. The archives’ digital photo collection now exceeds 100,000 images. A partial online catalog along with digitized photos can be found on the archives website.
The 人文艺术中心 is located on the fourth floor of the Academic Building on campus. The gallery features world-class exhibits and collections that exemplify the craftsmanship of local and national artists. A variety of media are represented including paintings, photographs, sculpture and ceramics. The center also holds a permanent collection of over 500 pieces.
档案馆上午10点对公众开放.m. 到下午4点.m. (ET), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. 正规的赌博app's Curator of Special Collections may be reached at (810) 762-9690.